Become the Teacher: Progressive Era

Your Challenge: Use the information you are given Monday to teach the class about life in the Progressive era by Wednesday.
You can use any of the resources given to you to answer this challenge. Refer to the specific documents you used to get your information – back yourself up!                                                                                                                (Think dbqs)
Consider the following topics in your discussion:
·         What was daily life like for different groups of people (rich, poor, adults, children, immigrants/minorities etc.)?

·         Was it hard or easy? What challenges did they face?

·         What is the same and different between life now and life then?

·         How is your own life similar and different to theirs?

·         Would you want to be a 14 year old during this time? Is there anyone you would want to be?

·         What do you think could be done to solve some of the problems/challenges faced by people during this time?

·         Are there similarities between the challenges society faced in the Progressive era and the ones we face today?

You will have one class period to look over the documents and begin your discussion. Next class, you will need to put together your “lesson” and decide how you will present what you have learned. Use your time wisely; presentations will begin in class 3.
Because you will have more than one class to complete this challenge, you might want to choose a ‘stenographer’ to record the group’s thoughts & ideas during the discussion. You will also need to decide how you will teach your mini-lesson: how will you show your information to the class? Poster board & markers, PowerPoint & the projector, Xerox machine (for handouts) will all be available options. Be creative & use all of the resources available to present your conclusions.